How to Prep Your Skin For Makeup

I will probably never get tired saying that to get great results you need to be prepared! Same rule applies to getting your face ready before applying makeup.

It really seems easy and quick to slap some foundation on and head out the door but then you can find out that it doesn’t behave you foundation can move about during the day and dissolve in some places or even oxidize on your skin (change color slightly). It’s really important to prep your skin properly before foundation and it goes beyond just applying moisturizer.


First and foremost thing that people often forget or are a bit lazy-ish to do in the morning is to CLENSE  their skin! You don’t really need a deep cleanse in the morning as I suppose you’ve done it before going to bed but still after 6-8 hours of hugging your pillow you still need to do that. Even using an alcohol free toner (like Elizabeth Arden Hydra-Splash Alcohol Free Toner) will help you to remove any excess dirts and oils and in case you use some sort of textured cleansing pads it will go a long way. Cleansing will help you improve the appearance, application and life of your makeup.

After that goes in the MOISTURIZING and PROTECTING your skin.
When your skin is properly moisturized your makeup will apply much more smoothly and will definitely look better. After applying a moisturizer of your choice don’t forget to protect yourself with SUNSCREEN! No news but it does create an additional layer of protection from sun, pollution, free radicals and as a result your skin doesn’t age as fast. It’s especially important to wear sunscreen in case you use any retinol (vitamin A) night-time treatments.

I personally believe that not all the people need to wear PRIMErs. But in case you have doubts you should wear one which is appropriate for you skin condition as it will undeniably increase the wear-time of your makeup.

So after spending a couple extra minutes to prepare your skin in the morning before applying makeup you’d be happily surprised how great it’d look when the day is over!